- How to install the Pigeonhole Live app for your Zoom account the first time?
- How to launch the Pigeonhole Live app?
- How to highlight questions and polls using Projector View?
- How to use the Admin View to manage settings?
- How to uninstall the Pigeonhole Live app from your Zoom account?
- Webinar attendee experience when using the Pigeonhole Live app
Engage your webinar attendees with Q&As, Polls,Quizzes, Chat, and Surveys within the Zoom Webinar window with the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom.
Requirements for using the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom
How to install the Pigeonhole Live app for your Zoom account the first time?
1. Before you start your webinar, please install the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom for a smoother app launch process. There are three places where you can find the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom:
a. Through this direct link
b. By searching for Pigeonhole Live directly at the Zoom Apps Marketplace
c. By searching for Pigeonhole Live in the Apps-Discover Tab within your Zoom client
Note: Some apps may require pre-approval from your admin. You can request it by simply clicking on Request pre-approval in the app listing or contacting your organisation admin for Zoom directly.
2. The app will launch your Zoom client. Log in to your Pigeonhole Live account to connect it to the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom.
Note: If your existing Pigeonhole Live account uses a different email address from your Zoom account, please contact us to update your Pigeonhole Live account’s email address.
3. If you have multiple workspaces associated with your account, select the workspace you would like to use to create new sessions for your webinars and meetings. Select Set default workspace if you would like all sessions for your meetings and webinars to be created in this workspace. Then, repeat the same steps for plan selection.
Note: The default workspace selected here will apply to both Zoom meetings and webinars. However, if the default workspace has Attendee SSO enabled, you will be asked to select a different workspace when you launch the app during a webinar.
4. You’re all set! Simply start a scheduled webinar and launch the Pigeonhole Live app to start using it.
How to launch the Pigeonhole Live app?
1. Start a scheduled Zoom Webinar and click on the Apps tab at the bottom of your screen. Then, select the Pigeonhole Live app.
2. You may choose to create a new session for this webinar or select an existing Pigeonhole that you’ve created in your Pigeonhole Live Workspace.
a. If you have already linked specific sessions to this Webinar ID via the Pigeonhole Live Workspace, the session will automatically load once you launch the app on Zoom Webinar. **Recommended setup for webinars
How to link pre-created sessions to your Webinar?
Note: If your linked session has Attendee SSO enabled, this session will not load when you launch the app during your webinar. The app will load a different linked session (without Attendee SSO enabled) if multiple sessions are linked to the same webinar ID. Otherwise, you will be redirected to the session selection/creation page on the app to select a new session.
b. If you select +New session, a Regular session with a Q&A will be automatically created for you. You can create multiple choice polls and word clouds directly in the app after.
Learn how to create other sessions from the Admin View:
How to create Multiple Choice Polls in the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom?
How to create and edit Word Clouds in the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom?
c. If you want to use an existing session that you've created on the Pigeonhole Live Workspace, select the Pigeonhole that you’ve created in the dropdown menu. Then, select the session you would like to load and click Load session.
Note: You will not be able to select sessions in Pigeonholes with Attendee SSO enabled as it is not supported for Zoom Webinars.
The session you have selected (and its nested sessions) will load in your Zoom Meeting. You can create more multiple choice polls and word clouds directly in the Pigeonhole Live App for Zoom.
3. Click on the Send button at the top of the page and send the app to your webinar participants. Your participants do not need to sign in or install the app to participate in the sessions.
4. If you would like to bring your attendees’ focus to a specific session, click on the Cast button to instantly redirect your attendees to your chosen sessions on the Audience View. Your attendees will not be able to navigate away from the session until you have stopped casting it.
How to cast sessions on the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom?
5. To gently nudge or guide your attendees to a specific session using push notifications, use our Announcement feature.
Note: All sessions in the Pigeonhole Live app will have Hide Attendee Identities enabled by default when used in Zoom Webinar. As a result, all attendees will only be able to see their own profile name. They will not be able to see other attendees’ profile names or details. However, all attendees’ Zoom screen name and email will be captured and visible to the webinar host during and after the event.
*This setting is enforced by Zoom for Zoom Webinars (does not apply for Zoom Meetings)
How to highlight questions and polls using Projector View?
You can use the Projector View to bring focus to questions that you are addressing or to share poll results with your webinar attendees.
1. Click on "with this link” to copy your Projector Panel link.
2. Then, paste the Projector Panel link in a browser window. Click on the Share button at the bottom of your webinar window to share your browser window screen to show the Projector Panel to your meeting participants.
Note: Do not click on the Share button at the top of the Pigeonhole Live app window. This will share your Admin View to your meeting attendees and question moderation will be visible to them.
How to use the Admin View to manage settings?
To manage session settings, click on the settings icon in the orange header in the session you are in. Here you can access and manage different available settings for the specific session.
How to uninstall the Pigeonhole Live app from your Zoom account?
1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom Apps Marketplace.
2. Click Manage > Installed Apps or search for the Pigeonhole Live app.
3. Click the Pigeonhole Live app.
4. Click Uninstall.
Webinar attendee experience when using the Pigeonhole Live app
1. When the host sends the app to webinar attendees, attendees will receive a notification inviting them to view the app. Click on View.
2. Attendees will instantly be able to view and access all the sessions from an attendees perspective in the Audience View. Attendees need to simply click on any of the sessions to participate.
Note: Attendees will only be able to see their own profile name. They will not be able to see other attendees’ profile names or details. Other attendees will simply appear as “Participant”.
However, all attendees’ Zoom screen name and email will be captured and visible to the webinar host during and after the event.
Related articles
How to link sessions to Zoom Meetings/Webinars
Using Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom in Guest Mode
How to create Multiple Choice Polls from the Admin View
How to create Word Clouds from the Admin View
How to add Open-ended Polls, Quizzes, and Surveys to your meeting from the Pigeonhole Live Workspace
Data and Permissions Policy & Organisation-level Settings