Navigating the Insights page on your Pigeonhole

What is available on the Insights page?

The Insights page in your Pigeonhole contains data on participant count, responses submitted, Q&A Answer Ratings and participants' demographic information, organised into three tabs: Overview, Sessions, and Attendees. You can view Insights on your Workspace while your event is live and export Insights as PDF or Excel once the event has ended.


  • When your event is live, the Insights page auto-refreshes every ten seconds to reflect new updates.
  • Basic Plan Pigeonholes only show Insights but do not have PDF or Excel export.
  • Pro, Business, Engage, Captivate, and Enterprise Plan Pigeonholes can download both PDF and Excel reports.

What type of data is available under Overview?

The Overview tab gives you a summary of user activity on Pigeonhole throughout your event. You can view the total participant count for your Pigeonhole and the Online Participants Chart, which breaks down the number of users connected to your Pigeonhole at different periods. Learn more about Overview Insights and Engagement Insights. 


  • The total participant count for your Pigeonhole is calculated as a new user sign-in on the Audience Web App or when a user enters an interactive Session. 
  • If a user uses multiple devices to sign in, each device will increase the participant count by one. Multiple logins from the same device will be counted as one participant.
  • The Online Participants Chart is only available on paid Pigeonholes.

Screenshot Insights Overview page.

What type of data is available under Sessions?

Under Sessions, you will find an expanded view of the number of participants in each Session, number of Q&A questions, Poll votes, completed Surveys, Chat messages and Reactions in your Pigeonhole as well as the total number of responses submitted in each interactive Session. 

Q&A questions Total number of questions submitted by attendees across all Q&A interactive Sessions.
Poll votes Total number of votes cast across all Poll interactive Sessions. This includes multiple votes within a Poll.
Completed surveys Total completed Survey responses, across all Survey interactive Sessions. There may be more partially complete responses, but those do not count to this number.
Chat messages

Total number of Chat messages submitted by attendees across all Chat interactive Sessions.


Total number of emojis used by attendees across all interactive Sessions. 



  • Participant count for each Session is calculated when a user enters an interactive Session.
  • If a user enters an interactive Session from multiple devices, each device will increase the total participant count of that Session by one.
  • Multiple entry from the same device will be counted as one participant.
  • To view a detailed breakdown of the responses captured for each Session, click on the name of the Session. For Q&A Sessions, you will also find your Q&A Answer Ratings here. 
  • Click on Export all responses to download a zip file of PDF and Excel reports for all interactive Sessions in your Pigeonhole. You can also download the responses for a specific Session by clicking on the PDF and Excel button for the respective Session. 

ScreenshotInsights Sessions page.

What type of data is available under Attendees?

Under Attendees, you will find Attendee List which shows the list of users in your event Pigeonhole and the corresponding demographic information collected in their profile.


ScreenshotInsights Attendees page.

Is Insights available during Test Mode?

Insights is not available during Test Mode as all responses submitted during Test Mode will be removed as soon as Test Mode is turned off. 

How to delete the data in Insights

Users on a Pro, Business, Engage, Captivate, and Enterprise Plan can permanently delete all responses from their Pigeonhole. Learn how to delete responses from your Pigeonhole.