About Survey sessions

Available for:

  • Basic
  • Engage
  • Captivate
  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise (Meetings)
  • Enterprise (Events)

You can add interactive (Q&A, poll and survey) and non-interactive sessions in any order. By default, sessions are ordered and appear in the Audience Web App by their start and end timings. When two sessions have identical start and end times, the session added first will be displayed first. You can also choose to order the sessions manually. Our recommendation is to set up sessions in the order defined in your event agenda.

Changes made to any session details via the Workspace will apply in the Audience Web App and Panels instantly.

Survey session type is suitable for obtaining one-way feedback from attendees through a series of consecutive questions. It is different from a Poll session type where only one question is set up and results of the poll can be shown in real-time on the Projector. 

Survey sessions are also able to be casted. Admin panel users can cast a survey, which will direct attendees to the survey on their Audience Web App. The Projector Panel will display only sign-in instructions. Responses collected for Survey session types are accessible only from Insights, and are not shown on the Projector, Admin, or Moderator panels, ensuring privacy of survey respondents.

Adding a Survey is similar to adding other session types. In this article, we will guide you through the individual fields and options when adding a Survey session type.

Pigeonhole  Maximum number of Survey session per Pigeonhole
Basic 1
Pro, Business, Engage, and Captivate Unlimited
Enterprise (Meetings & Events) Unlimited

Add new Survey Session

Go to the Agenda page:

Then click on the Add Session button, then under Select Session Type, choose Survey. If you change to another session type under Select Session Type, content entered in the previous session type will be lost when you click the Add button.


This is the name of the survey session.

Required, cannot be blank. Name of session should have a length of 3 to 100 characters.


If you have a session description, this is where you will put it. It will appear in the Agenda on the Audience Web App as well as within the session's About this Survey section. When the Agenda first loads, only the first two lines of the description will be visible on the Agenda. The full description will only be visible when the attendee taps to expand the description.

Optional, can be blank. You are limited to 500 characters of text. Line breaks are retained. Basic text formatting is supported through Markdown (see Markdown support).


If this survey is for gathering feedback for a speaker or panel discussion session, rather than for the event as a whole, we recommend nesting this survey within the session's Q&A or Regular session. Select the Q&A or Regular session to nest this survey within. Nested surveys will not appear in the Agenda, but rather, only within the Audience Web App Q&A or Regular session page. There will however be a survey icon for this Q&A/Regular session on the Agenda to indicate that there are nested surveys.


Choose your session start and end date/time according to your event agenda. The start and end dates are constrained by your Pigeonhole Duration.

Once a session starts, you cannot change the session start time, remove the session or modify the questions in this survey.

See Maximising survey responses during an event.

Pre-survey message

This message is shown to attendees before the start of the survey. Use this space to share how responses will be used, as well as the estimated time to complete.

Required. You are limited to 500 characters of text. Line breaks are retained. Basic text formatting is supported through Markdown (see Markdown support).

Post-survey message

This message is shown to attendees upon completion of the survey. Use this space to show a thank you message for completing the survey.

Required. You are limited to 500 characters of text. Line breaks are retained. Basic text formatting is supported through Markdown (see Markdown support).


Option Explanation
Anonymous responses Allows attendees to provide responses anonymously. When disabled, attendees need to create a profile before they can begin the survey. If anonymity is enabled, attendees can still create profiles but it is optional. There is currently no option to provide responses anonymously if they have created a profile. See Preserving attendee anonymity.

Add questions


Each survey session requires at least one question. If you wish to remove the last question, you need to first add another question. Remember, once a survey session has started, you will not be able to modify the questions. This is to preserve the integrity of the collected responses.

Question dropdown menu

Each question has a dropdown menu that provides a few options to configure the question. The Edit button is always directly accessible in this menu. Click on the downward pointing arrow icon to review the following functions:

Option Function
Duplicate This duplicates the question, along with its answers (if it is a multiple choice question) and options, and adds it to the end of the question list.
Delete This removes the question. Once removed, if the survey has not been saved yet, the question is lost permanently.

Changing order of questions

Questions are ordered in the sequence they are added. To change the order, click on the question's left handle, and drag, then drop to the position you wish to move the question to.

Add Open Text questions

Select Add question, then under Type, choose Open text.


Used to segment your survey questions into categories or sections. Especially useful if you have many survey questions. Category appears just before the question on the survey question page.

Optional. You are limited to 100 characters of text.


Enter the question text here.

Required, cannot be blank. Question text should have a length of 4 to 200 characters.


Option Explanation
Optional question When enabled, attendees can skip this question without providing a response.

Adding Multiple Choice questions

Select Add question, then under Type, choose Multiple choice.


Enter the question text here.

Required, cannot be blank. Question text should have a length of 4 to 200 characters.

Answer options

Provide any number of answers to this multiple choice question. You need to provide a minimum of two answers.

Required, cannot be blank. Answer text should have a length of 1 to 140 characters.

Include "Others" option

You can also allow attendees to enter a plain text answer as an option. Select this option to enable this. Once enabled, you can specify the text label for this option. The character limitations are similar to an Answer option.

Minimum and maximum answers selectable

Specify the minimum and maximum number of answers that attendees can select for this answer. Both defaults to 1. For example, if you wish to require everyone to select exactly 3 answers, you will choose 3 for both options.

Option Explanation
Optional question When enabled, attendees can skip this question without providing a response.