How to create a series of Multiple-Choice Polls



Why create a series of Multiple-Choice Polls?

For a seamless polling experience, you can create a series of Multiple-Choice Polls that are grouped as one interactive session on the Audience Web App.

Pigeonhole  Maximum questions per Poll session
Basic 5
Pro, Business, Engage, and Captivate Unlimited
Enterprise Unlimited

Participant's experience on the Audience Web App


  • Participant clicks Begin to start the Poll
  • Participant clicks Next to advance to the next question 


How to add more Poll questions


  1. After adding your first Multiple-Choice Poll, click on Add question.
  2. Type in your Poll question and answer options.
  3. Choose to Save or Save and add another.
  4. Once you are done adding poll questions, make sure to click on Save Poll at the bottom of the page.

Interface compatibility

User Interface Series of Polls compatibility
Audience Audience Web App Yes
Kiosk No
Admin Projector Panel Yes
Admin Panel
Moderator Panel