Adding Pigeonhole Live events and sessions to EventMobi

EventMobi is an event app and event management software to provide planners with the easiest and most effective event tech solutions.

There are two ways to direct your attendees to Pigeonhole Live from the EventMobi app: 

  1. You can link to Pigeonhole Live from the App Menu. This option is ideal for organisers who would like to link to multiple Q&A and Poll sessions on Pigeonhole Live from a central area in the EventMobi app.
  2. You can link to Pigeonhole Live from Sessions. This option is ideal for organisers who wish to link to Pigeonhole Live for specific Q&A and Poll sessions within the app.

How to link to Pigeonhole from the App Menu?


Click here for a sample.


1. Log into the Experience Manager. Go to the Products section on the left-hand menu, and select Event App and then Sections.


2. Then, click on the + Add Section button,  and select Link from the dropdown menu.

3. Copy the URL of the Pigeonhole that you wish to direct attendees to. Learn how to get the Pigeonhole URL here

4. Assign a Section Name and a Section Icon that will be displayed in the event app menu.


5. Under Website Link, paste the URL to the Pigeonhole you wish to direct your attendees to. Learn how to get the Pigeonhole URL here

6. Then, select the Embed Website in Event App checkbox to ensure that Pigeonhole Live opens within the app. 

7. Finally, click on Add Section to save. 

8. If relevant, choose the Reorder Sections option to change the placement of the new section in your event app menu. 



How to link to Pigeonhole from Sessions?

Click here for a sample.

1. Log in to the Experience Manager and go to the Libraries section on the left-hand menu, and select Sessions. 

2. Click on an existing session in the library or create a new one. 

3. Go to the relevant session that you want to link to Pigeonhole Live and select External Links from the top menu. 


4. Assign a name for your link (i.e. Q&A) and paste the URL that you copied from the respective Pigeonhole Live session. Learn how to get the Pigeonhole Live session URL here



5. Finally, click on Add Link to save.