How to add a Youtube-hosted video to a session

Available for:

  • Engage
  • Captivate
  • Enterprise (Meetings)
  • Enterprise (Events)


  • You can add one YouTube video per session.
  • Only Public or Unlisted videos are supported.



On YouTube:

  1. Go to the YouTube page of the video you want to add.

  2. Copy the URL of the Youtube page.

In your Pigeonhole:

  1. Go to the Integrations page. Paste the URL under Youtube Integration.

  2. Select the session you'd like the video added to, then click "add".


How does the video look on the Audience Web App?


Once added, the YouTube integration will be automatically appear on the selected session.

If there is more than one integration added to the same session, you can select YouTube by selecting it from the integrations dropdown list.


Use Test Mode to check out how your integration looks on the Audience Web App, from the perspective of your audience.

How does YouTube integration work with Nested Polls?

When your audience clicks on a nested Poll within the Q&A or regular session, the YouTube video stops, and the audience is brought to the Poll page.

When your audience navigates back to the parent session, the YouTube video resumes playing from where it last stopped. 


Technical Features

  • Picture-in-Picture (PIP) is available on Desktop and Mobile
  • YouTube video can play in fullscreen on Mobile
  • YouTube video resumes previous session on Desktop and Mobile

 Click here to compare technical features between video integrations.