About Sessions

This article covers:

  • What is a session? 
  • What types of sessions are available? 
  • How will the sessions be displayed? 

What is a session? 

Sessions help build your event agenda on Pigeonhole Live. There are two types of sessions: interactive and non-interactive.

What types of sessions are available?


Interactive sessions require the audience to interact with the Pigeonhole Live.  


The audience submits and votes on questions and see them appear live on the projector. 

Click here to learn more about Q&A.


Poll session type is designed for speakers and/or organisers to poll audiences in real-time, automatically showing the results in the form of a bar or pie chart on the Projector via our Projector Panel interface. The following are different poll types you can add to your Pigeonhole. 

Multiple Choice Poll 

The audience vote on a set of options provided to them to indicate their opinion for each question.  Votes appear live on the projector. 

Open-ended Poll

The audience submits ideas in text format and votes on ideas. Submissions appear live on the projector in a grid format. 

Word Cloud Poll

The audience submits ideas in text format and votes on ideas. Submissions appear live on the projector in a cloud format


The audience selects multiple-choice answers to a series of questions. They are scored and ranked based on their accuracy and speed in answering the questions. 


The audience selects multiple-choice answers to a series of questions.  They are scored based on their accuracy in answering the questions but will not be ranked. 

Click here to learn more about Poll Sessions.


The audience provides feedback in the form of multiple-choice answers and text answers to a series of questions in their own time. Click here to learn more about Survey Sessions.




A placeholder session for break time that does not require the audience to interact with Pigeonhole Live. Session options: Meal break, Tea break, Toilet break, Networking, Cocktail. 


A fully customisable placeholder for sessions that do not require the audience to interact with Pigeonhole Live. You can add URL to downloadable files in this session type for the audience to access. 

Session Display 

Sessions will be displayed in chronological order in the Audience Web App and Projector Panel. When two sessions have identical start and end times, the session added first will be displayed first. You can also choose to order the sessions manually. Our recommendation is to set up sessions in the order defined in your event agenda.