Adding Pigeonhole Live to SharePoint



ScreenshotA published SharePoint Page. 

SharePoint is a web-based platform allowing organisations to document and store information for internal communication. It can be customised to meet specific organisational requirements. Our Pigeonhole Live integration can enhance audience engagement by adding interactive features to SharePoint Pages. 

How to add Pigeonhole Live to SharePoint 

  1. From your SharePoint website, click New and select Page. 

ScreenshotA SharePoint website.

  1. Choose a Template and click Create page.


  1. Fill in the Page details. 
  2. Click Add a new web part in column one and select Pigeonhole Live.

ScreenshotSharePoint web parts.

  1. Click Configure.

ScreenshotA SharePoint Page.

  1. Next, go to General Settings and type in the Pigeonhole Passcode.
  2. Check the Enable Audience Web App box and click Apply.


SharePoint Page Settings.

The App page will display the Pigeonhole Agenda page.



  • At this setup stage, anyone with the Event Passcode can access the event, and attendees will sign in anonymously.  

How to enable attendee profile

This setup is useful to organisers who want to make their Event accessible to anyone and want their profile name known. 

  1. From your Pigeonhole dashboard, go to More settings > Attendees > Profile Information.
  2. Check the Allow creating attendee profiles through embed box and click Save

ScreenshotPigeonhole Live dashboard.

  1. Next, go to SharePoint settings and check the Create Profile upon signing in box. 
  2. Click Apply.


The App page will sign in the attendee with their profile name. 



  • If the organiser cannot view their profile name on the App page after setup, they can try clearing the cache. 

How to sign in a selected list of attendees 

This setup is useful to organisers who want to restrict their Event to a specific attendee list.

  1. From your Pigeonhole dashboard, go to More settings > Attendees > Profile Information.
  2. Check the Allow creating attendee profiles through embed box and click Save. 
  3. Go to Registrant Profiles and check the Enable registrant profile for this event box.
  4. Next, go to Add a registrant and click Settings from the drop-down list.


  1. Check the Prompt attendees to enter Attendee Code when joining a Pigeonhole event and Prompt Registrants to enter email address instead of Attendee Code boxes.
  2. Click Save.


  1. Click Add a registrant and type in your Registrant name and email address. You can type in a specific Attendee Code or leave it blank to generate a random one for your attendee.
  2. Click Add registrant


  1. In your SharePoint settings, check the Require attendee email when signing in box.
  2. Click Apply.


The App page will sign in the attendee with profile details pre-filled by the organisers.



  • If the organiser wants attendees to use their Sharepoint name and email to sign in to Pigeonhole, they can check the Create profile upon signing in box.
  • If the Prompt Registrants to enter email address instead of Attendee Code box is not checked, users will not be able to sign in. 

How to embed a specific Session

This setup is useful to organisers who want to direct attendees to a specific Session.

  1. From your Pigeonhole dashboard, go to Agenda > Sessions.
  2. Go to Edit and copy the Session ID from the drop-down list.


  1. Next, go to your SharePoint settings and paste the Session ID in the Audience Web App Settings
  2. Click Apply.


Attendees will be signed into the embedded Session on the App page.



  • To disable this setting and redirect attendees to the Agenda page, insert 0 into Session ID on the Audience Web App Settings and click Apply.

How to embed a video with Reactions

  1. Go to the parent session that you would like to enable Reactions in, and check Reactions in session settings.
  2. If you would like to customise the Reactions palette, go to More settings > Session settings > Reactions to select your desired emojis. 

  3. Click Enable reactions.Screenshot
  1. In your SharePoint settings, check the Enable Reactions box. 
  2. Input the Session ID and Video Embed Code. 
  3. Click Apply.


  • Reactions are available for interactive parent sessions. Learn how to add Reactions to video integrations. 
  • An organiser can collect Live Reaction data and analytics across multiple Sharepoint pages and videos into a single report by going to Reaction Settings > Enable Reactions in each SharePoint Page and adding the Session ID of the Session they want Reactions in, then clicking Apply.