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How to block an attendee from sending messages in Chat?
How to unblock an attendee?
What happens to blocked users on the Audience Web App?
In chat sessions, you may be wary of attendees who abuse chatting privileges by sending spam messages or inappropriate content which may sour the experience of other attendees.
To combat that, you can block attendees with profiles throughout your whole event or for a set time duration.
Note: You cannot block attendees without a profile (i.e. those who join anonymously). To prevent this, please enforce creation of attendee profiles and disable anonymous messages in your chat.
How to block an attendee from sending messages in Chat?
1. On the Admin Panel, select a Chat session.
2. You can choose to block any Chat user under Messages or Replies. Simply click More on the message sent by the attendee you want to block and select Block user.
3. Then, select the duration of time you would like to block the user for and then select Block.
You can choose to block the attendee until you manually unblock him/her. Alternatively, you can set a duration for how long the attendee will remain blocked, after which the attendee will be automatically unblocked. You can also manually unblock the attendee before the blocked duration is up.
Note: You can do this from the Pending, Allowed, or Dismissed tabs.
4. You will instantly see a “blocked” sign on the Attendee’s Profile in the Admin Panel. Once blocked, the user will not be able to send any messages, replies, or react to other attendees’ messages.
5. You can access the list of blocked users by clicking on the “Blocked users” tab at the bottom of the Admin Panel. From here, you can unblock the user, view all messages sent by the user, and hide messages that you’ve previously allowed from here.
6. If you have selected a set duration to block a user, you will see a countdown timer next to the user’s name showing the number of minutes left before the user is automatically unblocked.
How to unblock an attendee?
On the Admin Panel, click on the “Blocked users” tab at the bottom of the Admin Panel. Then, click on the Unblock button next to the specific user you want to unblock.
When a user is unblocked, they will resume to have full access to the chat functionalities.
What happens to blocked users on the Audience Web App?
Blocked users will not be able to send any messages, replies, or react to other attendees’ messages on the Audience Web App.
The message textbox and react buttons will be removed from the specific user’s view as shown below and the user will have a read-only view of the Chat session until they are unblocked again.