Adding text answers to questions in a Q&A session



Speakers and admins can leave text answers for questions in Q&A sessions during or after events. Learn more on how you can benefit from this feature.

How to enable Answers on your Workspace? 

1. Go to Pigeonhole > Agenda > Q&A session or create a new Q&A session. Under Q&A settings, enable AnswersScreen_Shot_2020-11-05_at_10.09.09_AM.png

2. Click Add Q&A to save your settings. 

How to add Answers to questions from the Admin Panel?

  1. On the Admin panel, click on Add answer on the question that you are answering.
  2. Fill in the text box with the answer. You may format the text with Markdown .Select the individual that is answering the question. It can be either be the speaker, moderator or the admin. There could also be more than 1 answers.

     Note: Any links added to the text input will be automatically hyperlinked. 


  3. Once you've added a text answer to the question, the question will automatically be marked as Answered and will appear so in the event Insights. 

Do note that posted answers can be hidden or edited. However, it cannot be deleted.

How Answers appear on the Audience Web App?

Answers will be automatically reflected on the Audience Web App. Attendees can revisit the Audience Web App for answers for as long as the event is open. Learn more about Pigeonhole duration here.
