Scheduling your announcements ahead of your event or meeting

Create and schedule your announcements ahead of your event and let it run on autopilot once the event starts. When running an event with many sessions, scheduling announcements ahead of time lets you focus your time and energy on what matters the most - driving engagement with your attendees during the event.

Learn more about announcements

How to schedule announcements? 

Admin Panel 

1. On the Admin Panel, go to Controls.

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The control button in the Admin Panel

2. Next, follow the steps in this article to create an announcement. 

3. Once you have created the announcement, under the Schedule section, select the option Schedule for later. 

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Compose tab for drafting and scheduling new announcements

4. Click on the date input field and select the date and time to send the announcement on the calendar pop-up.

Note: The date and time options available to you will be limited to the duration of your Pigeonhole.

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Compose tab with date and time picker

5. Select Schedule to schedule the announcement for later. 

Note: You will not be able to select Schedule before setting a date and time for your announcement. 

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Compose tab with the schedule function selected

6. The announcement will be instantly moved to the Scheduled tab. Scheduled announcements will be sent automatically at their scheduled date and time without any action from your end.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement

7. Once it has been sent, the announcement will be moved to the Sent tab.

How to send a scheduled announcement at an earlier time? 

1. To send a scheduled announcement ahead of the time it was scheduled for, simply go to the Scheduled tab, and click Send now on the announcement.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement 

2. You will see a confirmation prompt (as shown below). Select Confirm to confirm your selection and send the announcement. 

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Confirmation prompt to send an announcement instantly

3. The announcement will be instantly moved to the Sent tab. You will also see a pop-up to indicate that the announcement has been successfully sent. 

How to edit a scheduled announcement?

1. To edit a scheduled announcement, go to the Scheduled tab and click More on the announcement you wish to edit.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement

2. Select Edit in the dropdown menu.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement with a drop down for more functions

3. Make any changes to the announcement message or settings in this window. To save the changes, click Save. You will see a pop-up to indicate that the changes have been successfully saved. 

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Scheduled tab showing the editable fields of an announcement

How to save a scheduled announcement as a template? 

1. To save a scheduled announcement as template, go to the Scheduled tab and click More on the announcement you want to save as template.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement 

2. Select Save as template in the dropdown menu.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement with a drop down for more functions

3. A copy of the announcement will be saved as a template that you can use when creating new announcements. You can view the announcement template in the Templates tab.

Learn more about announcement templates

How to duplicate a scheduled announcement?

1. To duplicate a scheduled announcement, go to the Scheduled tab and click More on the announcement you want to duplicate.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement

2. Select Duplicate in the dropdown menu.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement with a drop down for more functions

3. You will be redirected to the Compose tab with the following fields of the announcement duplicated: 

  • Announcement message
  • Sent announcement to
  • Redirect attendees to 
  • Schedule 

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Compose tab showing a duplicated (scheduled) announcement with editable fields

4. Make the required changes to the fields and choose to send the announcement now or schedule it for later following the steps above. 

How to delete a scheduled announcement?

1. To delete a scheduled announcement, go to the Scheduled tab and click More on the announcement. 

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement

2. Select Delete in the dropdown menu.

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Scheduled tab showing a scheduled announcement with a drop down for more functions

3. You will see a confirmation prompt (as shown below). Select Delete to confirm your selection and delete the announcement instantly. 

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Confirmation prompt to deleted an announcement

4. You will also see a pop-up to indicate that the announcement has been successfully deleted.