Changing the date/time display on the Agenda

This article covers:
  • How to change the date/time display on the Agenda? 

The Audience Web App Agenda shows the designated date and time of each session in a 24-hour format by default. You can customise the display to hide the session date and time or switch between 12-hour and 24-hour time formats.

How to change the date/time display on the Agenda?

1. On your Pigeonhole, navigate to More Settings> Appearance. 

2. Under the Audience Web App Display section, you can customise the date and time display accordingly. 


Options Description
Show Session Date Select this to show the session date on the Audience Web App. 
Show Session Time Select this to show the session time on the Audience Web App. 
Show session by date Select this if you have an event that spans over multiple days. Sessions will be shown in tabs corresponding to their date. 
Time format - Display When Show Session Time is selected, you can choose to display session time in the 12-hour or 24-hour time format.
Time format - Default time zone When Show Session Time is selected, you can choose to display session time in the Attendees's time zone or Event's time zone by default. Attendees have the option to switch between the two time zones on the Audience Web App. 


3. Click Save once you have selected your options. Changes will be reflected on the Audience Web App Agenda instantly.